Trends and challenges of higher education at the international level and in Ecuador



Trends, sustainable development, artificial intelligence, challenges of higher education


Higher education currently faces many challenges at the international level, determined by a set of factors that are related to economic growth on the one hand, in contrast to other phenomena associated with the unequal distribution of wealth, violence and insecurity.  On the other hand, the unstoppable development of technologies and, especially, artificial intelligence demands that universities and other educational institutions adapt their technological infrastructures, programs and study plans, as well as the preparation and training of teachers. so that they can respond to new social demands. The strengthening of cultural processes and the need to guarantee sustainable development are also located within the modern demands imposed on higher education. The study of trends allows us to identify where universities are going in the 21st century, which makes it possible to adopt strategies to adapt to new contexts, increase competitiveness, effectiveness and impact on society. Although the complexity of the topic is much greater than what is presented in this essay, the essential objective is to identify the most important trends and challenges of higher education in the world and the methodology used is essentially documentary and bibliographic.

Author Biography

Pedro Enrique Castellanos-Fuentes, Instituto Tecnológico Superior Compu Sur. Ecuador.




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How to Cite

Fuentes-Águila, M. R., Castellanos-Fuentes, P. E., & Díaz Alava, B. D. (2025). Trends and challenges of higher education at the international level and in Ecuador. Revista Científica Episteme & Praxis, 3(1), 85–91. Retrieved from