Positive communication as a social value in the nurse's work with the elderly





Positive communication, social value, elderly, variables


This research was conducted on the axiological and moral foundations for developing positive communication in nurses actions when caring for the elderly. Communication, as a social value, goes beyond its social and educational nature and represents a current problem whose solution lies in the social sciences, with a significant influence from Pedagogy. Although methods, techniques, strategies, and programs have been established, they essentially focus on working with socially instituted social and moral values, insufficiently addressing other forms of social or socio-communicative behavior that become social values. As a solution, the objective of this work was to propose variables to promote the formation of positive comunication as a social value in nursing students for their interaction with the elderly aimed at extensionist, labor-research initiatives to foster communication based on love, understanding, tolerance, respect, and empathy as a social value among nursing students. This would shape their behavior during interactions with the elderly. To achieve the objective, a qualitative approach was used, employing philosophical-interpretative methods, document review, and hermeneutic-legal analysis. A bibliographic review of scientific articles from Web of Science and Google Scholar was conducted, focusing on empirical studies related to nurse-elderly interactions. The results revealed that the introduction of these variables contributes to the comprehensive training of nurses in their work with the elderly.


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How to Cite

Font-Domínguez, M., Anido-Borjas, E., & Caballero-Velázquez, E. (2025). Positive communication as a social value in the nurse’s work with the elderly. Revista Científica Episteme & Praxis, 3(1), 76–84. https://doi.org/10.62451/rep.v3i1.77