Environment and sustainable development: its approach from the precautionary principle



Environment, environmental education, sustainable development


Over the last century, the environment has experienced the adverse repercussions of industrial development, overexploitation of land and pressure from population growth. Despite having advanced technology, regulations and knowledge to mitigate these negative effects, humanity still faces a considerable debt to nature in terms of developing fully sustainable practices from an environmental perspective. This article focuses on the analysis of intervention actions that can be carried out in relation to socio-environmental and ecological activity, as well as the relevance of adequate environmental education that satisfies the demands and needs of a developing society. and sustainable. It constitutes a guidance tool to assume responsible behavior in the face of this global problem. From the use of theoretical methods such as analysis-synthesis and induction and deduction; Based on a descriptive and interpretative approach, and own perceptions, contrasted with the pertinent theoretical foundations, the importance of the environment, sustainable development, the precautionary principle and the essential role of environmental education for the achievement of this end is shown.


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How to Cite

Castellanos-Fuentes, P. E. (2024). Environment and sustainable development: its approach from the precautionary principle. Revista Científica Episteme & Praxis, 2(3), 51–58. Retrieved from https://epistemeypraxis.org/index.php/revista/article/view/64