Education and Law for Sustainable Development. Challenges and pending challenges



Sustainable development, education, law, sustainability


Sustainable development is not possible without education and without the intervention of the Law. Educational institutions, which train the new generations of lawyers, have the responsibility that professionals who graduate from universities are capable of contributing to sustainability, that they are aware of the risk and the effects caused by activities such as illegal mining, logging. of trees, failure to care for species, indiscriminate fishing and hunting, among other evils that have been affecting humanity. In any type of professional training, even at all educational levels, environmental education must be a priority. The right of human beings to a healthy, ecologically balanced environment and the debate on the rights of nature and the environment must be protected and focused from legal sciences. The study presented aims to reveal the importance of the relationship between Education, Law and sustainable development and identify the challenges of these sciences for sustainability.


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How to Cite

Fuentes-Águila, M. R., & Díaz-Alava, B. D. (2024). Education and Law for Sustainable Development. Challenges and pending challenges. Revista Científica Episteme & Praxis, 2(3), 14–19. Retrieved from