Social justice, family and values: between the meanings and the challenges




Family, social justice, values


In today’s complex world, social justice and the values of human dignity, equality, and freedom acquire renewed importance. No society is immune to the problem of injustice and to contributing to solutions, either because it experiences it or because it cannot evade global responsibilities. Families, by their very nature and functions, are a particularly sensitive space when it comes to justice. The objective of this work is to carry out an analysis of social justice, values ​​and family, which includes the identification of their meanings and some of the challenges in the pursuit of justice. For this purpose, the method of analysis and criticism of bibliographic sources is used, concretized through the logical operations of analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, which guaranteed an acceptable base of information, from which an approximate analysis of the topic can be articulated, presented in this reflection article.


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How to Cite

Borrero-Springer, R. Y., & Díaz-Fernández, A. (2024). Social justice, family and values: between the meanings and the challenges. Revista Científica Episteme & Praxis, 2(2), 83–90.