Moral and axiological education in latin american women




Moral education, moral conscience, values, Latin American woman


The current sociocultural context characterized by an economic crisis, worsened among other aspects due to an international pandemic, Covid 19, demands more and more committed citizens, with strengthened values, and Latin American women are not exempt from this, but the need to be recognized in a society with traits of discrimination against women. The moral education of Latin American women at the present time calls for its study and depth, which is why this research aims to describe what are the theoretical references that can enhance the moral and axiological education of Latin American women. To do this, a qualitative, descriptive approach and inductive and deductive analysis are used. From the analysis of the influences that the socioeconomic, political and cultural context itself carries out, the economic injustices that impact other spheres of life itself are highlighted; the lack of sensitivity towards women; the violation of their rights and the manipulation of their privacy; the fragility of emotional relationships; Immature behaviors; irresponsible sexuality, among other aspects that emerge in the research. An adequate moral education in Latin American women places them in a superior position in society and allows them to improve in decision-making, integration and resolution of moral conflicts.


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How to Cite

Quintana-Velázquez, D. B. (2024). Moral and axiological education in latin american women . Revista Científica Episteme & Praxis, 2(2), 60–67.