Paradigms and conceptions of theories of social justice, equity, and values




Social justice, equity, diversity, values


The new times, convulsive, characterized by an international crisis and other factors that aggravate social stability and in fact equitable and just coexistence for society. They make the human mind evolve and transform in search of well-being and quality of life according to the satisfaction of their needs, they need more knowledge to help them survive these ills that affect them. It is here that there is a proliferation of studies to increase the knowledge of social justice, equity and values because of their impact on the life of man and the importance of his understanding and comprehension. Respect for diversity, equity, the scarcity of resources, the protection of animals, women's rights, and the need to protect the most vulnerable groups call for a deeper understanding of these issues from a scientific perspective and to form a comprehensive culture that positions them in better circumstances in defence of their rights. The essential objective of social justice is to achieve equal opportunities for all, based on taking into account diversity and needs, both individual and common. The objective of this article is to carry out a theoretical and descriptive analysis that shows the different paradigms and conceptions of the theories of social justice, equity and values, which society demands so much.


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How to Cite

Ramírez-Quintana, A. (2024). Paradigms and conceptions of theories of social justice, equity, and values. Revista Científica Episteme & Praxis, 2(2), 52–59.