About the Journal

Revista Episteme & Praxis Journal (REP) of Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador, Machala Campus, is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scientific publication with an editorial line that accommodates different types of research, considering that science has been established from an inter and multidisciplinary position.

Episteme & Praxis has been created with the purpose of promoting academic exchange and debate in all areas of knowledge at the Ibero-American level. In its conception it has been intended for researchers, teachers and undergraduate and graduate students. The journal publishes original, unpublished and innovative research, essays and experiences in all fields and areas of knowledge, with a quarterly frequency in the months: January, January-April period; May, May-August; and September, September-December.

Revista Episteme & Praxis, for the selection of the articles it publishes, relies on the Open Peer Review method. All this, in order to guarantee the quality of its content.